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Thursday, August 15, 2013

::: Idola Layer Cake :::

::: Idola Layer Cake :::

~ Special Eid ~

10 large egg
16 oz butter
200 gm horlick
80 gm serikaya
50 gm coconut powder
600 gm chocolate- i mix with nutella 1/2 of them
1 small condensed milk
1/2 cup milo
11/2 castor sugar
2 cup all purpose flour
1 tablespoon essence vanilla + browning sugar
Yellow color


  • Beat butter and sugar use medium speed until fluffy. 
  • Add an egg one another one with using low speed of mixer until finish.
  • Next, add in milk, horlick, serikaya, coconut milk. Mix well using low speed.
  • Add in flour, essence vailla and mix well.
  • Divide mixture into two equal portion

  • A: Add in yellow color, divide into two.
  • B: Add in chocolate, nutella, milo and browning sugar
Note: Melt Chocolate using double boil 

  • Bake on 375"F layer by layer start with yellow mixture for five layer.   
  • Then, finish five layer, start baking chocolate mixture layer by layer until finish..
  • Finishing bake the yellow color mixture.

Step by step layer. Please make sure using the deep baking pan 8x8 special for layer cake. 

My homemade browning sugar. Will share the recipe later. wait for my next entry..

browning sugar

Till then;

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

::: Mama Carries Cookies :::

~ Special Eid ~

::: Mama Carries Cookies :::


300 gm butter
100 gm icing sugar
1/2 tsp essence vanilla
375 gm all purpose flour
130 gm corn starch

Topping Sugar
1 egg white
100 gm icing sugar
1/4 tsp essence vanilla
Chocolate flavor

  1. Beat butter and sugar until fluffy. Add essence vanilla and mix well
  2. Pour flour portion by portion until it become a dough.
  3. Pre-heat oven 375'F
  4. Roll the dough 1/4 inch in thickening.
  5. Cut using any shape. I am using square and butterfly shape.
  6. Take a small spoon of topping sugar and place it upper the cookies and design it with toothpick.
  7. Place the cookies into the cookies sheet.
  8. Bake for 15-20 minute or until it cook well.

my litle helper/chef

Tadaaaa... Soo good..

::: Pineapple tart ~ Flower Design :::

Special Eid cookies..

::: Pineapple Tart ~  Flower Design :::


11/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tablespoon corn starch flour
11/4 tablespoon custard flour
1 tablespoon milk powder
100 gm butter
1/2 tsp ghee
1/2 tablespoon castor sugar
1/2 tsp essence vanilla
1 egg yolk
1 egg + yellow color for ganache

Pineapple filling - one large pineapple and 11/2 cup of sugar needed..

  • Heat saucepan using medium heat. Combine pineapple and sugar, 1 cinnamon stick and 3 clove. Bring to a simmer and keep stir well. Reduce heat and stirring frequently or until thickens. When ready remove from heat and cool it down. 

Preparation: Pastry

  • Beat butter, sugar until fluffy add an egg. mix well..
  • Mix all the ingredient together until it become soft and wrap it for 30 minute.
  • Pre-heat oven 375'F.
  • Roll the dough 1/4 inch in thickening.
  • Cut the dough using the flower shape and place it into cookies sheet.
  • Roll the pineapple filling into ball and place it center. Brush the top of pastry with beaten egg.
  • Bake for 15-20 or until it cook.

 Tarrraaaa.. Done!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Holiday Inn Layer Cake ~ Kek Lapis Holiday Inn

::: Holiday Inn Layer Cake :::


450 butter - room temperature
1 cup castor sugar
10 large egg - room temperature
1 tsp essence vanila
1 small condensed milk
13/4 marrie biscuit  flour- grind  
11/2 cup horlick
11/2 cup milo
1 tablespoon browning sugar 
yellow colour - little bit


  1. Beat butter with sugar until fluffy.  
  2. Add the egg one by one and mix together.
  3. Add essence vanilla, milk, biscuit flour and mix well.
  4. Separately into two : (A) -  Milo and browning sugar. ( B) Horlick mix with yellow colour.
  5. Preheat oven 375'F and start to bake the cake layer by layer. One layer will take less than 5 minite to cook.. Repeat the process until finish.. 
Source :  Step by step how to bake holiday inn here..

Not really good.. Will try one more time.. Practice make 

Happy cooking everyone.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Kek Lumut - Special for Eid 2013

::: Kek Kukus Lumut :::

Special for eid i am made this steam cake it's took 4 hours to cook.. I love it and it's my 1st attempt.. Sorry i'm just copy recipe from internet and do some adjustment for my ingredient. 

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: DayangJack
(Slight modification & translated into English)
Makes 8" round

1 cup Flour* - 11/2 cup flour
1 cup Horlicks* (* mixed) - 200 gm horlick
3/4 cup Sugar - 1 cup sugar
250g Butter - 450 butter
4 large Eggs -8 large egg
1 tbsp Pandan Paste - 60 ml pandan paste 
4 tbsp Serikaya - 1 small  serikaya
1/4 cup Condensed Milk - 1 small condensed milk

1. Beat butter & sugar until white & fluffy.
Add in egg one by one while beating slowly.
Add in milk, serikaya, pandan paste & beat in between.
Add in flour & horlicks mixture.

2. Pour into lined & greased tin.
Steam for 3 hours (medium heat). - I steam for 4 hour