::: Pineapple Tart ~ Flower Design :::
11/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tablespoon corn starch flour
11/4 tablespoon custard flour1 tablespoon milk powder
100 gm butter
1/2 tsp ghee
1/2 tablespoon castor sugar
1/2 tsp essence vanilla
1 egg yolk
1 egg + yellow color for ganache
Pineapple filling - one large pineapple and 11/2 cup of sugar needed..
- Heat saucepan using medium heat. Combine pineapple and sugar, 1 cinnamon stick and 3 clove. Bring to a simmer and keep stir well. Reduce heat and stirring frequently or until thickens. When ready remove from heat and cool it down.
Preparation: Pastry
- Beat butter, sugar until fluffy add an egg. mix well..
- Mix all the ingredient together until it become soft and wrap it for 30 minute.
- Pre-heat oven 375'F.
- Roll the dough 1/4 inch in thickening.
- Cut the dough using the flower shape and place it into cookies sheet.
- Roll the pineapple filling into ball and place it center. Brush the top of pastry with beaten egg.
- Bake for 15-20 or until it cook.
Tarrraaaa.. Done!!!
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